Get updated on what's happening in tourism! - Get updated on what's happening in tourism!

							nw.newsid									,
							newstitle									,
							newsslogan									, 
							newsdate										, 
							nw.newstype									, 
							ct.cityid									, 
							dst.districtid								, 
							dst.district_en 		AS districtname	, 
							ct.cityname_en 		AS cityname			, 
							cat.categoryname_en AS categoryname	,
							(SELECT abbr FROM tourexpiutf8_countries WHERE countryid=nw.countryid) AS abbr 
						FROM tourexpiutf8_news nw 
						LEFT JOIN tourexpiutf8_cities 		ct 	ON ct.cityid = nw.newsregion 
						LEFT JOIN tourexpiutf8_districts 	dst 	ON dst.districtid = ct.district 
						LEFT JOIN tourexpiutf8_newstypes 	cat 	ON cat.typeid = nw.newstype 
							nw.picture='1' AND 
							nw.isActive='1' AND 
							nw.newsdate>='1710464921' AND
							nw.lang='en' AND
							(SELECT abbr FROM tourexpiutf8_countries WHERE countryid=nw.countryid) ='intl' 
							ORDER BY nw.newsdate DESC  LIMIT -4,20

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-4,20' at line 23